This user guide for the preparation of ATO Manuals for Part ORA Approval is complementary to the requirements of Implementing Rule – Aircrew Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 “as amended” and does not supersede or replace the information defined within that document.

This document is developed from the document: ”Foreign ATO approval – User guide for ATO manuals”, version UG.FCTOA.00004-000 (Draft), published by EASA



This user guide is designed to be used by Part ORA - Pilot Training Organizations - To assist them in the production of their own Documentation.

The user guide is provided for guidance and should be customized by each organization to demonstrate how they comply with Part ORA.

The organization may choose to use another format, by arrangement with the competent authority, as long as all the applicable sections of the regulation are addressed and crossreferenced.

If the organization chooses to use a different format, for example, to allow the manuals to serve for more than one approval, the manuals submitted for approval shall only make reference to documents that are already approved by the competent authority or EASA.

The organization is expected to comply with all applicable requirements of the relevant regulations and particularly the ones related to the documentation.

The documents should provide clear and complete information on how the organization intends to achieve compliance.

The quality of the documentation as well as the processes related to its validation, distribution and control are determinant factors as to the capacity of the organization to demonstrate effective compliance.

For each detailed procedure described within the Manuals, the Part ORA organization should address the following questions:

  • What must be done?
  • Who should do it?
  • When must it be done?
  • Where must it be done?
  • How must it be done?
  • Which procedure(s)/form(s) should be used?
  • How can the organization’s compliance monitoring system effectively check all the above?


The Manuals should be available in the English language however.



Document control shall be identified as one of the management system key processes addressed by ORA.GEN.200 (a)(5)

Documents required by the regulations applicable to the scope of the approval shall be identified as part of the organization’s documentation system and controlled according to paragraph a) (to meet at least requirements ORA.GEN.115, ORA.GEN.200, ORA.ATO.130 and ORA.ATO.230 as applicable to the scope of the approval).

Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled according to paragraph b) (to meet at least requirements ORA.GEN.210, ORA.GEN.220, ORA.ATO.120 and ORA.ATO.355 as applicable to the scope of the approval).

1) A documented procedure shall be established to identify the controls needed to:

  1. approve documents for adequacy prior to issue,
  2. review and update as necessary and re-approve documents,
  3. ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified,
  4. ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use,
  5. ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable,
  6. ensure that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning, the management and the conduct of the organization’s activity are identified and their distribution controlled, and:
  7. prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.


2) Records established to provide evidence of compliance with requirements and of the effective operation of the management system shall be controlled. Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. The organization shall establish a documented procedure to define the controls needed for the:

  1. identification,
  2. storage,
  3. protection,
  4. retrieval,
  5. retention and
  6. disposition of records.


A Part-ORA ATO is required to establish a documentation system covering the three following aspects:

  • “Organization’s Management Manual” (OMM)

ORA.GEN.115 requires Part-ORA organizations to provide the competent authority with documentation demonstrating how they will comply with the requirements established in Regulation (EC) No 1139/2018 and its Implementing Rules.

’ORA.GEN.200 requires that all management system key processes be documented. The documentation related to the Organization’s Management System is referred to in this guide as the “Organization’s Management Manual” or OMM.

The naming of the document adopted by the organization can be different. In this case it is the responsibly of the organization to identify the document to be used as the OMM.

If this document is partly or totally incorporated in other documents of the organization, it is the responsibly of the organization to provide a cross reference table clearly identifying in the whole documentation system all parts of the OMM.

  • “Training Manual” (TM)
  • “Operations Manual” (OM)


The Manuals may be produced in hardcopy or electronic format.


Hardcopy format requirements

Each manual shall be provided in A4 or A5 format, in a binder with section dividers. Revisions shall be distributed as for other manual holders in the ATO.


Electronic format requirements

The Manuals shall be in Portable Document Format (PDF).



It is not required to duplicate information in several manuals. The information may be contained in any of the organization manuals (e.g. Organization’s Management Manual, Operations Manual or Training Manual), which may also be combined (see relevant AMCs and GM).

The TM and OM of an ATO conducting integrated or modular flight training courses providing training for CPL, MPL and ATPL and associated ratings and certificates should at least include the information listed in this chapter, in the sequence shown below in 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3. The manuals should function to:

1) Give the student awareness of:

  1. Expectations to the student, specific to the theoretical (part of the) course, including requirements to pass any theoretical test.
  2. How the student performance are progressing relative to the progression of the theoretical course.

2) Give employees awareness of any duty associated with instructing the given (theoretical part of the) course.

3) Show compliance with any requirements from the competent authority related to (the theoretical part of) the course.

The Manuals should cross refer to the associated procedures, documents, appendices, forms and all other lists which are managed separately (e.g. aircraft checklists to be used, approved flight manuals, navigation/approach charts, list of sub-contractors, etc.)

These associated documents must meet the same rules as described for the rest of the Manuals in terms of document control, distribution, etc.

For some organizations some items related to the structure of the documents as indicated above may be ‘not applicable’. In this case they should be annotated as such within the Manuals.

In all cases the “Cross reference compliance table” shall be filled by the ATO applying for an initial approval or an approval change.


Single document:
This manual shall include all the information required in the separate manuals indicated hereafter. However, its structure shall give the same readability as if the manuals were split e.g. it shall be easy to determine if the information relates to the Management system, Operations or the Training and the sequence of each section should be as that for separate manuals.

A cross reference table (or index) shall be used to segregate the information (regarding the Management system, the Operations Manual or the Training Manual) and to relate it to the applicable Part ORA or Part FCL requirement(s) to facilitate compliance monitoring.


Several documents:


Organization’s Management Manual (OMM):

This manual shall at least contain information required to comply with all obligations laid down in the following provisions as applicable to the size, scope and complexity of the ATO:

  • Management system iaw. ORA.GEN.200 (a)
  • Non-Complex Organizations – General
  • Complex Organizations - Organization and Accountabilities
  • Management System / Safety Manager
  • Complex Organizations - Safety Action Group
  • Complex Organizations - Safety Policy
  • Management System / Safety Policy
  • Complex Organizations - Safety Risk Management
  • Management System / Internal Occurrence Reporting Scheme
  • Management System / Training and Communication on Safety
  • Management System / Organization’s Management System Documentation
  • Complex Organizations – Organization’s Safety Management Manual
  • Management System / Safety Risk Assessment
  • System / Compliance Monitoring - General
  • Complex Organizations - Compliance Monitoring Program for ATOs
  • Management System / Audit and Inspection
  • Management System / Size, Nature and Complexity of The
  • Activity
  • Contracted activities / Responsibility When Contracting Activities

Operations Manual (OM)

This manual shall at least contain information required to comply with all obligations laid down in the following provisions as applicable to the size, scope and complexity of the ATO (Y indicates that description may be included in either OM or OMM):

  • Training manual and operations manual iaw. ORA.ATO.130
  • Training manual and operations manual iaw. ORA.ATO.230 (b)
  • Personnel requirements / General / Management Structure and individual responsibilities
  • Training manual and operations manual – all ATOs except those providing flight test training / Operations Manual

Part A - General

1) List and description of all volumes in the Operations Manual - Y

  1. A record of revisions should be present.
  2. A list of effective pages should be present.
  3. A description of how revision state of each page can be identified.
  4. A description of how to identify changes should be present.
  5. A description of how a general description of changes in a revision is conveyed to recipients should be present.

2) Administration (function and management) - Y

  1. Any organizational position that has a role in the ATO should be described.

3) Responsibilities (all management and administrative staff) - Y

  1. Any responsibility that is allocated should be described and assigned to a person.

4) Student discipline and disciplinary action - Y

  1. Any expectation to student behavior should be described.
  2. Any punitive action as a result of student behavior deviating from above should be described.

5) Approval/authorization of flights

6) Preparation of flying program (restriction of numbers of aircraft in poor weather)

7) Command of aircraft

8) Responsibilities of pilot-in-command

9) Carriage of passengers

10) Aircraft documentation

11) Retention of - Y

12) Flight crew qualification records (licenses and ratings) - Y

13) Revalidation (medical certificates and ratings) - Y

14) Flight duty period and flight time limitations (flying instructors)

15) Flight duty period and flight time limitations (students)

16) Rest periods (flight instructors)

17) Rest periods (students)

18) Pilots’ log books

19) Flight planning (general) and

20) Safety (general) – equipment, radio listening watch, hazards, accidents and incidents (including reports), safety pilots etc.


Part B - Technical

1) Aircraft descriptive notes

2) Aircraft handling (including checklists, limitations, maintenance and technical logs, in accordance with relevant requirements, etc.)

3) Emergency procedures

4) Radio and radio navigation aids and

5) Allowable deficiencies (based on MMEL, if available).


Part C - Route

1) Performance (legislation, take-off, route, landing etc.)

2) Flight planning (fuel, oil, minimum safe altitude, navigation equipment etc.)

3) Loading (load sheets, mass, balance, limitations)

4) Weather minima (flying instructors).

5) Weather minima (students – at various stages of training) and

6) Training routes/areas.


Part D - Personnel Training

1) Appointments of persons responsible for standards/competence of flight personnel - Y

2) Initial training - Y

3) Refresher training - Y

4) Standardization training - Y

  1. A description of how CFI/HT ensures that theoretical instruction is conducted in accordance with the intended standard should be present.
  2. A description of the intended standard to which the theoretical instruction is conducted should be present, covering at least:
    1. Classroom teaching principle
    2. Teaching aids and their use
    3. Formal and informal monitoring of student progress
    4. Format of tests used

5) Proficiency checks - Y

6) Upgrading training and - Y

7) ATO personnel standards evaluation - Y

  1. A description of how the performance of the personnel defined in 6.2.1, item 3) and 4) is monitored and improved should be present.


The appendix should be established, containing a sample of any record or document referred to in the OM that is not related to a specific training program and not approved by other means.


Training Manual (TM)

The Training Manual shall at least contain information required to comply with all obligations laid down in the following provisions as applicable to the size, scope and complexity of the ATO:

  • Training program iaw. ORA.ATO.125
  • Training manual and operations manual iaw. ORA.ATO.130
  • Training manual and operations manual / Training manual ORA.ATO.230 (a)
  • Training program / General
  • Training program / Type Rating Courses – Aeroplanes
  • Training program / Type Rating Courses - Helicopters
  • Training program / Flight Test Training Courses – A & H
  • Training manual and operations manual / Training manual

Part 1 - Training Plan

1) Aim of the course (ATP, CPL/IR, CPL, etc. as applicable)

  1. A statement of what the student is expected to do as a result of the training.

2) Pre-entry requirements

  1. Any requirements that applicants are subject to before entering the course should be present regarding:
    1. Age
    2. Education
    3. Language
    4. Medical

3) Credits for previous experience.

  1. Any credit given along with legal reference should be present.
  2. Procedure for assessing credit given should be present.

4) Training Syllabi

  1. A description of each theoretical and practical topic or subtopic that is covered in the course should be present. 
  2. A reference should be present indicating to what legal requirement the syllabus aim to satisfy.

5) Time scale and scale in weeks, for each syllabus.

  1. Information regarding timeframe for the course should be present enabling student to:
    1. Prepare for any given lesson
    2. Estimate time of completion of a theoretical course.

6) Training program

  1. Information supplying awareness about how theoretical and practical instructions are combined in the course (if strictly theoretical course, reference to part 4 may be sufficient).
  2. A description of any constraints to theoretical instruction should be present.
  3. For ATOs providing CPL/ATPL/MPL and associated ratings or certificate the following should be present:
    1. A description of the objective for each theoretical training phase.
    2. A description of the required student standard after each phase of theoretical training.
    3. A training plan of each phase of theoretical training showing:
      1. An hourly breakdown of theoretical instruction.
      2. A list showing syllabus integration.

7) Training records

  1. A description of training records regarding theoretical training should be present.
  2. A description of theoretical training record checks covering:
    1. Who is responsible for checking and bringing records to desired standard.
    2. Procedure and frequency of checks.
    3. How records are kept secure
    4. Who has access to records.
  3. A description should be present regarding records that is:
    1. Showing that the student has been instructed in a given syllabus item.
    2. Showing result of any test taken

8) Safety training

  1. Any classroom training regarding safety training should be described. Alternatively, this may be described in part 4.

9) Tests and examinations

  1. A description regarding theoretical tests covering:
    1. Prerequisites for attending a test and a re-test.
    2. Format and pass standard of any test given.
    3. Code of conduct during test and allowed aids.

10) Training effectiveness

  1. A description of how the efficiency and value of the theoretical training towards the aim of the course is monitored and improved.

11) Standards and Level of performance at various stages

  1. A description should be present of any expectations towards the students and if relevant at what stage in the training a criterion applies.
  2. A description should be present of how the ATO monitors student performance during the theoretical course, in order to prevent student from falling behind without being aware of it.
  3. A description should be present of how substandard student performance is addressed.

Part 2 - Briefing and Air Exercises

  1. Air exercises
  2. Air exercise reference list (only main and subtitles of above air exercises for quick reference for the instructors’ daily use)
  3. Course structure - Phase of training
  4. Course structure integration of syllabi
  5. Student progress
  6. Instructional methods
  7. Progress tests
  8. Glossary of terms
  9. Appendices

Part 3 - Flight training in an FSTD

  1. Air Exercise
  2. Air exercise reference list (Only main and subtitles of above exercises for quick reference for the instructors’ daily use)
  3. Course structure - Phase of training
  4. Course structure integration of syllabi
  5. Student progress
  6. Instructional methods
  7. Progress tests
  8. Glossary of terms
  9. Appendices

Part 4 - Theoretical knowledge instruction

1) Structure of the theoretical knowledge course

  1. A description of how the entire theoretical course is arranged should be present including:
    1. Sequence of topics taught in each subject.
    2. Time allocated to each topic.

2) Lesson Plans

  1. A description of each lesson should be present including interconnection of topics or subjects, normally presented along with 6.3.1 item 4.a.

3) Teaching materials

  1. A description of any training or demonstration aid or study material used should be present.

4) Student progress

  1. A description of the requirement for student progress should be present, including a brief but specific statement of the standard that must be achieved before application for theoretical knowledge examinations is made. Also, the mechanism for achieving this should be included.

5) Progress testing

  1. A description should be present of the organization of progress testing in each subject, including topics covered, evaluation methods and documentation.

6) Review procedure

  1. A description of the procedure to be followed if the standard required at any stage of the course is not achieved should be present, including an agreed action plan with remedial training if required.


The appendix should contain a sample of any record or document referred to in the TM that is related to the specific training program and not approved by other means.

If the course is based on operational suitability data, the OSD should be contained in the appendix.

If Computer Based Training is part of the training program the CBT should submitted along with the training manual in the approval process.



At the beginning of each volume or section in the case of a single document, the first page should specify:

  • The full title of the document
    In case the title of such document is not “Organization’s Management Manual” or “Operations Manual” or “Training Manual” the title on the document’s first page shall comply with the following format in a single line, two or three separate lines (with line beaks at the “–“ sign)

  • ORA.GEN.200 for the equivalent of the OMM,
  • ORA.ATO.130 for the equivalent of the OM or TRM
  • ORA.ATO.230 (b) as appropriate to the scope of the approval for the equivalent of an OM
  • ORA.ATO.230 (a) as appropriate to the scope of the approval for the equivalent of a TM


Example 1:

Part ORA - Manual - ORA.GEN.200


Example 2:

Part ORA - Management system - ORA.GEN.200 & ORA.ATO.130


Example 3:

Part ORA

Operations and procedures manual

ORA.ATO.130 & ORA.ATO.230 (b)


Note: there is no need to use the full title format in all pages of the document or in its outside front or back cover as long as the first page of the document is in accordance with the format given above and part of the list of the effective pages.


At the beginning of each volume or section in the case of a single document, the first page should specify:

  • The name of the organization (official name as indicated on the EASA Form 143 approval certificate)
  • The address, telephone, fax numbers and e-mail address of the Head Office The copy number from the distribution list
  • The approval reference of the PART ORA organization


Each page of the Manuals should be identified as follows (this information may be added in the header or footer);

  • the name of the organization (official name as indicated on the EASA Form 143 approval certificate)
  • a unique identifier of the document to which belongs the page
  • the issue number of the Manuals
  • the amendment/revision number of the Manuals
  • the date of the revision (amendment or issue depending on the way the organization has chosen to revise the Manuals)
  • the chapter of the Manuals
  • the page number
  • the name of the document such as "Organization’s Management Manual” or “Operations Manual” or “Training manual”. If the title is different from these three titles, the document used as OMM shall contain a cross reference table to identify what document is considered as the OMM, the OM or the TM.

Prior to submission of the ‘draft’ Manuals to the competent authority for a Part-ORA approval the Accountable Manager shall sign and date the Corporate Commitments statement related to:

  • AMCs and GM / Non-Complex Organizations – General (Commitment for safety policy)
  • AMCs and GM / Complex Organizations - Safety Policy (Endorsement & Commitment for safety policy)
  • AMCs and GM / Organization’s Management System Documentation (Statement for continuous and consistent compliance).
  • AMCs and GM / Complex Organizations - Organization’s Safety Management Manual (Accountability of the accountable manager).

as appropriate to the size and complexity of the organization. The signature of these commitments cannot be delegated to any person but the Accountable Manager. This confirms that he has read the relevant part of the documents and understands its responsibilities under the approval scope. In case of change of Accountable Manager, the new incumbent should sign the document and submit a suitable amendment to the competent authority for approval.