Formular/blanket Beskrivelse og/eller referencer
Application for the issuance of a Certificate of Airworthiness-National Flight Permit

Application in English language

Part 21 Subpart H

Ansøgning om udstedelse af Luftdygtighedsbevis / National Flyvetilladelse


Part 21 Subpart H

Attachment 1 - Used aircraft from another EASA member state

This attachment is applicable to used aircraft imported from another EASA member state with a valid EASA Form 25 Certificate of Airworthiness and an EASA Form 15a or 15b Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC)

Part 21 Subpart H

Attachment 2 - New aircraft from another EASA member state

This attachment is applicable to new aircraft imported from another EASA member state with an EASA Form 52.

Part 21 Subpart H

Attachment 3 - Used EASA aircraft from Non-Member States

This attachment is applicable to used EASA aircraft imported from non-member states with a valid Export Certificate of Airworthiness or an Export Statement.

Part 21 Subpart H

Attachment 4 - New EASA aircraft from Non-Member States

This attachment is applicable to new EASA aircraft imported from non-member states with a valid statement on EASA approved design.

Part 21 Subpart H

Attachment 5 - Used Annex I (non-EASA) aircraft

The following documentation shall be sent to the Aircraft Certification Office for the issue of the first Danish Standard Certificate of

Airworthiness or National Permit to Fly.

Part 21 Subpart H

Attachment 6 - Svævefly

Dette bilag gælder for nye eller brugte fly, der er importeret fra et andet EASA -medlemsland med et gyldigt EASA form 25 luftdygtighedsbevis, en gyldigt EASA -form 15 luftdygtighedseftersynsbevis (ARC).

EASA Form 52, eller fra et ikke EASA medlemsland med et Export Certificate of Airworthiness (kun nye fly).

Part 21 Subpart H

Attachment 7 – Varmluftballon

Dette bilag gælder for nye eller brugte Balloner, der er importeret fra et andet EASA -medlemsland med et gyldigt EASA form 25 luftdygtighedsbevis, en gy ldigt EASA-form 15 luftdygtighedseftersynsbevis (ARC).

EASA Form 52, eller fra et ikke EASA medlemsland med et Export Certificate of Airworthiness (kun nye).

Part 21 Subpart H

Aircraft Basic Specification

Avionic Equipment List

Instrument & Equipment

Vægt og Balance Opfølgning Flyvemaskine

Continuous Weight and Balance Follow-up: Airplane

Skema til Vægt og Balance Opfølgning

Vægt og Balance Opfølgning Helikopter

Continous Weight and Balance Follow-up: Helicopter

Form for Weight and Balance Follow-up

Minimum Equipment List Approval Reference

Form TS-CFL-68

Ansøgning om godkendelse af MEL

Registrering af Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT)

Dansk og Engelsk sproget ELT-registrering Form TS-CFL-Form147

Hjælpeark til ELT-kodning

Excelark til hjælp til generering af 15HEX koder i de 7 COSPAS SARSAT protokoller godkendt af ICAO

Application for RVSM Approval


Ansøgning om RVSM Special Approval iht. Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Annex V (Part-SPA) to

One application to be completed for each aircraft.

Application for TEMPORARY RVSM Approval


Temporary RVSM approval allows operators to fly in RVSM airspace during temporarily authorized flights i.e., flights conducted under Permit to Fly according to Part 21, subpart P.
EUR RMA F2 - RVSM Approval Record to Operate in RVSM or Airspace Performance Record of approval to operate in RVSM or Airspace Performance
EUR RMA F3 - Withdrawal of Approval to Operate in RVSM or Airspace Performance Withdrawal of approval to operate in RVSM or Airspace Performance

Application for MNPS (NAT HLA) Approval

TS CFL-21.

The application should be completed for each aircraft.

Ansøgning om tildeling af 24-bit ICAOadresse (Mode S & ELT) til ultralet luftfartøj


Danske ultralette luftfartøjer (Bilag 1 uden registreringsbogstaver)

Iht BL 9-5, BL 9-6 og BL 9-12

Ansøgning om tilladelse til at bruge autobenzin i stedet for flybenzin


Iht BL 1-12

Kun for Bilag 1 luftfartøjer

Ansøgning om godkendelse til IFR flyvning med standard kategori flyvemaskiner

Form TBST-CFL-62

Iht BL 1-12

Kun for Bilag 1 luftfartøjer

Ansøgning om godkendelse til VFR-NAT flyvning med standard kategori flyvemaskiner

Form SLVLD-61

Iht BL 1-12

Kun for Bilag 1 luftfartøjer

Ansøgning om godkendelse til VFR-NAT flyvning med standard kategori helikoptere

Form TBST-CFL-64

Iht BL 1-12

Kun for Bilag 1 luftfartøjer

Application for Renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness Application for Renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness, cf. BL 1-3 and BL 1-12

Ansøgning om fornyelse af Luftdygtighedsbevis


Ansøgningsskema til fornyelse af Luftdygtighedsbevis. Ansøgningen udfyldes af ejer/bruger. Hvis værksted/mekaniker underskriver ansøgningen skal fuldmagt vedlægges.

BL 1-3 and BL 1-12

Application for Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) - Annex II aircrafts

Ansøgning om Supplerende Typecertifikat (ST),


Bilag 1 fly iht BL 1-3

Ansøgning om udstedelse/ændring af Støjcertifikat EASA Form 45


Part 21 Subpart I

Application for issuance/change of a Noise Certificate EASA Form 45


Part 21 Subpart I

Ansøgning om flyvetilladelse - (Bilag 1 luftfartøjer-veteranfly)

Form TBST-CFL-84

BL 1-12

Dansk registrerede bilag 1 luftfartøjer, herunder veteranfly .

Part 21 PERMIT to FLY - Application

Part 21 FLYVETILLADELSE - Ansøgning


Part 21 Subpart P

Similar to EASA form 21 – English and Danish version

FLIGHT CONDITIONS for a CAADK Permit to Fly - Application and Approval Form 18B


Similar to EASA form 18B in EASA form 37

Part 21 Subpart P

In English and Danish - Use only this form when the safety of the design is not involved. Otherwise contact EASA.


Completion Instructions for Flight Conditions for a Permit to Fly – Application and Approval Form 18B

EASA Form 50 - Application for Part 21 production organisation approval

Form SLVLD-158.

Part 21 Subpart G (POA)

21.A.134, 21.A.143 and 21.A.151

The completed form, an outline of the production organisation exposition, and details of the proposed terms of approval are to be forwarded to the Trafikstyrelsen.

EASA Form 51

Application for significant changes or variation of scope and terms of Part 21 POA.

Part 21 Subpart G (POA)

EASA Form 4 - Details of Management Personnel required to be accepted - Form SLVLD-304D.

Part 21 Subpart G (POA)

EASA Form 1 - Authorised Release Certificate / Luftdygtighedsattest

EASA Form 1, Part-21, Issue 2

Part 21 Subpart G