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Her kan du læse mere om uddannelsen som pilot, herunder 'Good practice-ordningen' og læringsmål.

Good Practice-ordningen

I Danmark betaler den enkelte pilotelev selv for sin uddannelse og for at undgå at piloteleverne mister deres penge, hvis en skole lukker halvvejs i uddannelsesforløbet, er branchen blevet enige om en såkaldt "Good Practice"-ordning.

Det op til piloteleven selv at undersøge, om den pågældende skole lever op til ordningen, før der indgås en uddannelsesaftale.

Good Practice

Det væsentlige i Good Practice-ordningen er at sikre, at betaling af uddannelsen sker i takt med uddannelsesforløbet. Det vil sige:

  • Der bør være en uddannelsesaftale (kontrakt) mellem skole og elev, der beskriver uddannelsens indhold, betalingsvilkår, samt hvad der sker, hvis eleven stopper uddannelsen.
  • Betaling bør først opkræves, når ydelsen er modtaget. Det betyder, at piloteleven ikke kan blive opkrævet penge på forskud, og derfor heller ikke risikerer at have betalt for undervisning, som ikke er modtaget.
  • Hvis der opkræves depositum ved uddannelsesstart, bør det være et mindre og rimeligt beløb, der kan relateres til skolens omkostninger i forbindelse med uddannelsens opstart.

Læringsmål for videregående pilotuddannelse

Læringsmål for IR/CPL/ATPL - Aeroplane og Helicopter

Nedenfor finder du et link til dokumenter, der indeholder læringsmål for de videregående pilotuddannelser - inden for henholdsvis flyvemaskine og helikopter. Læringsmålene indeholder specifikke beskrivelse af, hvad en aspirant forventes at kunne i de enkelte emner, der kræves undervist i.

Læringsmålene indeholder desuden angivelse af, hvad der kræves til de forskellige uddannelsesniveauer.

Opdaterede læringsmål der relaterer til seneste version af den europæiske centrale spørgsmåls bank (ECQB) findes i fortolkningsmaterialet til EU-forordning 1178/2011 - AMC1 FCL.310; FCL.515; FCL.615.

Fortolknings materialet kan hentes på EASA's hjemmeside.

Gå til EASA's hjemmeside (nyt vindue)

Teoretiske prøver

Her finder du praktisk information omkring tilrettelæggelse af undervisning og tilmelding til teoretiske prøver.


Se alle indstillingsformularer til brug ved tilmelding til teoriprøver. Bemærk, tre af blanketter er særligt målrettet nye elever efter den 1. april 2019.

Se mere

Udstedelse af Part-FCL-certifikat på baggrund af FAA-certifikat

En aftale mellem EU og USA betyder, at der fra 18. maj 2021 gælder nye regler for udstedelse af et EU-gældende pilotcertifikat (Part-FCL) på baggrund af et amerikansk udstedt pilotcertifikat (FAA-certifikat).

I vejledningen nedenfor kan du finde information om, hvordan du kan få udstedt et Part-FCL-certifikat, hvis du er indehaver af et FAA-certifikat.

Du kan ansøge om udstedelse af et Part-FCL-certifikat på baggrund af et FAA-certifikat ved at udfylde ansøgningsblanketten, som du ligeledes finder herunder, og indsende den til Trafikstyrelsen.

Carsten Nieburhs Gade 43
1577 København V
Tlf..: 72218800


FAQ third country licence holder - conversion & crediting

Here you will find information regarding requirements and procedures for conversion and crediting of licences from third countries, in compliance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723.

Senest opdateret 15-11-2023

FAQ Conversion PPL Licence

Here you will find information regarding requirements and procedures for conversion and crediting of licences from third countries, in compliance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723.

No, there is no requirement to undergo training before the skill test, but it is highly recommended.

The ATO/DTO where you have completed the recommended training programme will apply for your skill test. The skill test for the PPL, if based on a conversion from a third country licence, shall only be conducted by examiners with an EASA examiner certificate.

Contact an EASA approved ATO/DTO and have them assess how much training you will need to pass a PPL skill test, the ATO/DTO will have to make a custom training programme for you including all exercises from their PPL programme but without any flight time requirements. This recommended custom training programme will have to be applied for with the Danish CAA. Use the form Application for reduced training for holders of a third country licence

If a transfer of a UK licence was not made before January 1st, 2021, the medical certificate can no longer be accepted since it is now recognized as issued by a third country authority.

The provisions in FCL.025 applies. Theoretical knowledge examinations taken in the UK before January 1st, 2021, will be accepted. However, the theoretical knowledge examination is only valid for the issue of an EASA private pilot licence for a period of 24 months from the day when the pilot successfully completed the theoretical knowledge examination.

As an example:

  • You finished your EASA PPL theoretical knowledge examination on 25. August 2020. Your theory will then be valid for issue of a Danish PPL until 25. August 2022.
  • You finished your EASA PPL theoretical knowledge examination in 2017. Your theory is no longer valid for issue of an EASA PPL licence, but you may get credit as described under the question “What is the theoretical examination requirement”.

The skill test form shall be sent together with copies of the following supporting documents. 

  • Completed form Application for reduced training for holders of a third country licence
  • Valid ICAO licence, (UK licence issued as Part-FCL licence or a national licence),
  • relevant flight logbook pages with “endorsements” and at least the last three pages (documenting currency and total flight time),
  • valid ICAO and EASA medical certificate.
  • English language proficiency test report.
  • Valid passport

The complete set of documents shall be sent to info@trafikstyrelsen.dk in PDF format only with “Conversion” as the subject. Zip folders, dropbox or download links etc. are not accepted.

Fees are charged in accordance with “Order for Denmark and Greenland on the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority’s fees and charges in the aviation area etc.”, and subject to change. You will be invoiced the fee after we have issued your licence.

The English language proficiency test shall be conducted by an EASA approved English language proficiency assessor.

Pilots who have more than 100 hours as pilot will have to pass a written examination in Air Law and Human Performance.

Pilots with less than 100 hours as pilot will have to undergo an approved theoretical training Programme at an ATO/DTO. The course may be reduced in hours based on a recommendation by an ATO/DTO, but pilots with less than 100 hours will be required to take the complete theoretical knowledge examination for the PPL.

To enroll for the theoretical examinations, you will have to get in touch with an EASA approved ATO/DTO.

You need an initial medical examination conducted by an EASA approved aero-medical center (AeMC) or aero-medical examiner (AME) for issue of an EASA medical certificate class 2.
We recommend you get an appointment for this examination as early as possible.

FAQ Crediting CPL & MPL Licence

Here you will find information regarding requirements and procedures for conversion and crediting of licences from third countries, in compliance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723.

The ATO shall appoint an examiner for the skill test.

Foreign examiners shall send us a notification according to requirements stated in the Examiner Differences Document (EDD) for Denmark.

When a skill test is conducted under an ATO approved by another EASA competent authority than us, a written pre-approval from the Danish CAA is required, before conducting the CPL-skill test.

If a transfer of UK licence was not made before 31.12.2020, the medical certificate can no longer be accepted since it is now recognized as issued by a third country authority.

The provisions in FCL.025 applies. Theoretical knowledge examinations taken in the UK before January 1st, 2021, will be accepted. However, the theoretical knowledge examination is only valid for the issue of a CPL or CPL/IR for a period of 36 months from the day when the pilot successfully completed the theoretical knowledge examination.

As an example:

  • You finished your EASA CPL or ATPL theoretical knowledge examination on August 16th. 2019. Your theory will then be valid for issue of a Danish CPL/IR until August 16th. 2022.
  • You finished your EASA CPL or ATPL theoretical knowledge examination in 2017. Your theory is no longer valid for issue of an EASA CPL/IR licence, but you may get credit as described under the question “What is the theoretical examination requirement”

Be advised that if you are a holder of a third country ATPL licence, different rules apply. See information under the ATPL category. The reason behind the difference in validity periods between a CPL/IR and an ATPL licence is the legal framework in Part-FCL and regulation (EU) 2020/723.

Get in touch with an EASA approved ATO to evaluate your experience. Credit given or training required is based on the recommendation from the ATO. This shall be approved by Danish CAA before any training for the issue of the licence can start.

The Danish skill test form shall be sent together with copies of the following supporting documents:

  • Completed form Application for reduced training for holders of a third country licence
  • Valid Passport
  • Valid ICAO licence, (UK licence issued as Part-FCL licence)
  • Proof of PIC privileges
  • Last three pages of pilot’s logbook
  • Documentation of passed theoretical examinations
  • Valid EASA medical certificate
  • English language proficiency test report from EASA approved assessor
  • ATO recommended training Programme
  • Documentation for experience in the type/class used for the skill test

The complete set of documents shall be sent to info@trafikstyrelsen.dk in PDF format only. Zip folders or download links etc. are not accepted.

Send it with a complete set of documents (all documentation in one mail).

Fees are charged in accordance with “Order for Denmark and Greenland on the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority’s fees and charges in the aviation area etc.”, and subject to change. You will be invoiced the fee after we have issued your licence.

The English language proficiency test shall be conducted by an EASA approved English language proficiency assessor.

Pilots who will apply for a CPL or CPL/IR, will have to undergo an approved theoretical training Programme at an ATO, covering all the subjects for the licence/rating in question. The course may be reduced in hours based on a recommendation by an ATO. After the training course is conducted, the ATO will recommend you for the theoretical knowledge examination.

To enroll for the theoretical examinations, you will have to get in touch with an EASA approved ATO, who will recommend you for the theoretical knowledge examination after you have conducted the theoretical training course.

You need an initial medical examination conducted by an EASA approved aero-medical center (AeMC) for issue of an EASA medical certificate class 1.

We recommend you get an appointment for this examination, as early as possible.

FAQ Crediting ATPL Licence

Here you will find information regarding requirements and procedures for conversion and crediting of licences from third countries, in compliance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723.

You do not have to undergo a training course; however, you shall have completed the experience requirements for the issue of an ATPL in the relevant aircraft category as set out in Subpart F of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and provided that the third country licence contains a valid type rating for the aircraft to be used for the ATPL skill test.

Foreign EASA examiners shall send us a notification according to requirements stated in the Examiner Differences Document (EDD) for Denmark. In good time (at least 14 workdays before the skill test date), the examiner shall send the Danish CAA an application for the ATPL skill test using the mail address: flighttestbookings@trafikstyrelsen.dk. The skill test must not be conducted before you have received a written approval.

The ATPL skill test shall be conducted according to the Danish CAA’s standards and requirements to be accepted and approved.

No, Danish CAA does not accept or recognize ATPL’s issued only on the background of a CPL + hours without an ATPL skill test.

You will have to follow the CPL crediting procedures.

Theoretical knowledge examinations taken in the UK before 1st January 2021 will be accepted. The conditions outlined in FCL.025(c) apply.

The completion of the ATPL theoretical knowledge examinations will remain valid for the issue of an EASA ATPL for a period of 7 years from the last validity date of:

  1. an IR entered in the licence; or
  2. in the case of helicopters, a helicopter’s type rating entered in that licence, but
  3. in any case no longer than 7 years from 1st January 2021.

The Danish application form Application for reduced training for holders of a licence, rating or certificate issued by a third country shall be sent together with copies of the following supporting documents:

  • Passed ATPL skill test on Danish skill test form
  • Valid passport
  • Valid ICAO licence (UK licence issued as Part-FCL licence),
  • Relevant flight logbook pages with “endorsements” and at least the last three pages (documenting currency, flight time on type and total flight time),
  • Valid ICAO and EASA medical certificate,
  • English language proficiency test report.

The complete set of documents shall be sent to info@trafikstyrelsen.dk in PDF format only. Zip folders or download links etc. are not accepted.

Send it with a complete set of documents (all documentation in one mail).

Fees are charged in accordance with “Order for Denmark and Greenland on the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority’s fees and charges in the aviation area etc.”, and subject to change. You will be invoiced the fee after we have issued your licence.

The English language proficiency test shall be conducted by an EASA approved English language proficiency assessor.

To enroll for the theoretical knowledge examinations, you may register your application to Danish CAA by sending an email to meda@tbst.dk
AND chha@tbst.dk.

You need an initial medical examination conducted by an EASA approved aero-medical center (AeMC) for issue of an EASA medical certificate class 1.

We recommend you get an appointment for this examination, as early as possible.